Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Fish Fillet with Lemons and Garlic

                                       Fresh rainbow trout fillet garnish with lemons and lettuce

Fresh Ocean fish contain essential Omega 3 fatty acids and are vitally  important to the body's metabolism. Omega 3 comprises both EPA or Eicosapentanoic Acid DHA or Decosahexaenoic Acid which supports healthy functions of the brain, heart, joints and skin....Essential fatty acids are your instant cleanser and artery scrubber which protects you from cardiovascular diseases like heart attack, heart failure, stroke, thrombosis, high blood pressure, arteriosclerosis, atherosclerosis-  together they are the number one greatest  killer in our modern society causing approximately 50%  of all deaths.

Even a deficiency of a single nutrient the entire biochemical house is threatened with collapse.  That is why supplements are sold in health food stores worldwide and prescribed widely....Yet this vitamins and mineral supplementation acts only as the modulators and the cofactors...Because our modern diet consists large amount of  saturated fats and proteins,  essential fatty acids must be supplemented.

Omega 3 from Fish Oil Capsules
Most orthodox clinicians has no knowledge between the association between health disorders and essential fatty acids deficiency because they are not trained in nutrition..Symptoms of these deficiency are broad that sometimes they are usually diagnosed as having some other cause.  Even if the deficiency were recognized only few clinicians know how to treat it. The result of this lack of  knowledge can be deadly.

Only when the essential fatty acids is returned to the diet by eating ocean fresh fish and supplementing with Omega 3 , then the body is equipped to carry out its life  and living processes.

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