Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Step 1 Natural Cancer Treatment Protocol

Basically it is  extremely important to support the cleansing mechanism of the body,  to  cleanse the bowel of impacted fecal matter  by a program of fresh fruits and vegetables mostly in juice form with the addition of Chlorella tablets but often times I used Shake off ( from Edmark International because it is available anytime) in speeding up bowel transit time and cleansing out toxins so that the natural peristalsis is restored. The colon can resume its normal operation unassisted. This cleansing action detoxifies the liver and protects it from damage. The purging ability of fresh juices and Chlorella/ Shake Off Phyto Fiber  purifies the liver and cleanses the blood. The herb Cats claw has the ability to cleanse the entire intestinal tract, detoxifies the liver and purifies the blood. ..Shake Off has 3 flavors, lemon, pandan and strawberry

We give specific importance on the condition of the liver, which is the main organ of detoxification.
. The liver plays an important role in cancer therapy because its breakdown affects all organs and tissues of the body. The liver performs many function. Some of its duties are: it serves as the body’s chemist, reconstructing the atoms and molecules from the digested foods into essential nutrients to be carried back by the blood to the cells for assimilation. It acts as a fuel depot and supplies station, storing excess nourishment like vitamins, minerals, iron and glucose for future use. It also functions as in-charge of poison control office, removing toxins which gain access to the body. Toxins and harmful substances like animal and vegetable fats are neutralized by the liver and eliminated by the bile, the excretory secretion of the liver. In spite of its many functions, its main objective is to help SUSTAIN, REPAIR, AND PROTECT THE LIFE OF THE CELL.

The liver is just like a strainer through which all that is poured into it finds its way into the blood circulation. If this filtration ability of the liver is not restricted by damaging toxins then pure and clean circulating blood properly nourishes every cell and tissues of the body. It is when the poisons get beyond the liver and circulated into the bloodstream that symptoms of disease occur. The circulation of clean pure blood depends upon the food we eat and nothing else. CORRECT FOOD CURE DISEASE WHILE WRONG FOOD CAUSE DISEASE.
Chemotherapy damages the liver and other organs, as well as the immune system that cancer patients who had undergone this treatment lost their natural defense, immunity and healing power of the body. They do well for two to three weeks period but then go downhill.

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