Saturday, April 30, 2016

The Role of Lecithin as a Fat Emulsifier

LECITHIN plays an important role in the metabolism of fats within the body.  Its main concern is to prevent the build up of cholesterol and other fats in the arteries, and reduce the level of cholesterol already existing.  The action of lecithin allows fat articles to liquefy, keeping it flowing in the blood preventing from being deposited on the artery walls.  It helps keep the fat moving and burned up as energy avoiding the accumulation of excess in areas where it forms bulges in the hips, thighs upper arms, etc. Gallstones are cholesterol formed when the bile fails to digest fats properly and the emulsifying properties of lecithin help prevent the formation of gallstones.

In one of my lecture, I proved to them the effectiveness of lecithin in emulsifying fats..I let them gather the sebo or hardened yellow fats in our plates we have been eating.. that fatty beef that piles of sebo I put 1 tbsp of lecithin granules...while giving them lectures. And in 30 minutes flat the sebo of the beef melted and turned to water...they were surprised...where is the fat? they asked.
Lecithin like Flax is a good source of Essential Fatty Acid...In short, essential fatty acids govern every life process in the body. Life without essential fatty acids is impossible. When essential fatty acids are deficient, we can expect a diversity of health problems..essential fatty acids are the highest source of energy in nutrition
Lecithin has the ability to emulsify and break down fat, it also prevent fatty liver disease, a condition resulting from accumulation of fat deposits in liver cells. without lecithin the membranes in our body would harden and our cells would die."
Lecithin helps keep the liver healthy. By keeping fats dispersed in water, lecithin prevents these fats from accumulating in the liver. Lecithin is acting as a hepatoprotector, helps in detoxification, useful in restoring liver function in a number of ailments including excessive alcohol improves the gallbladder functions, increases the bile secretion; improves bowel movements.
LA or Linoleic Acid and LNA or Linoleinic Acid are both components of Essential Fatty Acids. We called them essential because the body can not manufacture them and must be supplied from food sources like flax, fish oil and lecithin...
LA Dificiency Symptoms include eczema like skin eruptions, loss of hair, liver degeneration, behavioral disturbances, kidney degeneration, excessive water loss through skin accompanied by thirst, drying up of glands, susceptibility to infections, failure of wound healing, sterility in males, miscarriages in females, arthritis, heart and circulatory problems, and retardation of growth...Prolonged absence of LA from the diet is FATAL. All of the deficiency symptoms except death can be alleviated by adding LA back to the diet from which it was missing.
LNA Deficiency Symptoms include retardation of growth, weakness, impairment of vision and learning ability, motor in coordination, tingling in arms and legs, and behavioral changes.. These symptoms can be removed by adding LNA back to the diet from which is it missing..

Friday, April 29, 2016

Health benefits of food enzymes

Enzymes called the sparks of life are the work force of the body. Life could not exist without them. All activities of the body are run by metabolic enzymes. To illustrate what are enzymes. It is much like a battery without electrical energy it has lost its power. Although the physical structure remains it does not function. The electrical energy is the life force of the battery. Enzymes help in digestion of foods, breaking down cholesterol and fat deposits, acting as scavengers and assist in overall cleansing process. Eating enzyme deficient diet from cooked and processed foods, our body draws on its reserve from all organs and tissues causing a great depletion of enzymes. During exercise and chronic illness, the rate of tissue breaking down uses up rapidly our enzymes reserve. The lack of enzymes can cause disease so it is of utmost importance to preserve and supply again our enzyme level by adding enzymes to our diet either by supplementation or by eating mostly raw fresh fruits and veggies.

Live foods mostly fresh juices give back to the body a high concentration of bioactive enzymes thus helping restore a diseased body and the mind’s ability to heal. The body has greater amounts of enzymes reserve inherited since birth. This is called Endogenous Enzymes, enzymes that are produced within the body. All foods provided by nature in their raw state have abundance of enzymes, this we call Exogenous Enzymes, enzymes found in raw food. Although we have an overwhelming numbers of enzymes inside our bodies yet each has specific functions. Names of all enzymes end in (ase), as lipase, an enzyme which breakdown fat, protease which breakdown protein, cellulose assists in breaking down cellulose , amylase which breakdown starch and so on…

The Healing Foods

Allowed  All fresh fruits., dried, unsulfured, unsweetened frozen fruits.
All vegetables preferably raw as in fresh juices, salads, soups and steamed or half cooked . Clean all  veggies and fruits thoroughly by immersing them in salt and water solution in 5 minutes  then rinse it in running water.  These is done to remove surface contaminants

The Killing Foods

Not Allowed: Canned, sweetened and salted ,,preserved and green fruits which has a sour taste

Animal protein, fats and vegetable oils, dairy products, canned goods, processed/refined foods such as white rice, white flour, salt, sugar, and their products are totally eliminated in the diet. 

Dr. Max Gerson, a renowned cancer specialist had observed that whenever he added egg yolk and fats even vegetable oils low in cholesterol in his patients diet, new cancer would begin to grow, even when the tumor was practically healed. When he eliminated this oil and the egg yolk, the tumor began to shrink again. Dr. Gerson found that dietary fats actually have the effect of promoting tumor growth, the only exception is cold pressed, good grade flax oil. . Dr. Gerson found that dietary fats actually have the effect of promoting tumor growth, the only exception is cold pressed, good grade flax oil.

The Healing Foods
Allowed: Cooked egg whites, tofu, beans, and  lentils

The Killing Foods
Not Allowed: All kinds of meat, egg yolk and fish.  Fish can be added to the diet after the tumorous growth has been arrested but non during the treatment period. Because we want to re established the pH balance of the body between Acidosis and Alkaline...level


Cancer cells get their energy for division and growth from the fermentation of glucose (sugar) into lactic acid. The liver then recycles lactic acid back into glucose. This is called the process of GLUCONEOGENESIS and thus causes CACHEXIA – the gradual wasting away of the body. The patient experienced loss of energy accompanied by a rapid weight loss. The cancer cells demand for glucose 50% more than the normal cell.

The Healing Foods:

 Allowed: All whole grain cereal, brown rice, rolled oats, oat bran, flax meal, buckwheat, corn, cassava. potato, other root crops and tubers , breads made from these products cooked without a trace of sugar, butter,salt, egg and oil

The Killing Foods,

 Not Allowed : Processed grains such as white rice, prepared cereals, refined flour and their products like breads, cakes, cookies, pastries,, crackers, and vegtable protein because it contains gluten 

Chlorella as a nutritional supplement for detoxification

Chlorella is the greatest detoxifying agent known to man has been proven in numerous studies to have the ability to relieve the body of its toxic burdens, removing toxic materials such as lead, copper mercury, aluminum, asbestos and cadmium. Its sticky cell wall binds or wrap up cancer causing chemicals that lodge in the body and safely sweeps them out. Besides its cell wall, Chlorella has another cleansing agent, the Chlorophyll which is ten times higher than Spirulina, twenty times the chlorophyll of alfalfa, ten times that of barley grass, and eight times higher than that of Wheat grass. 

Chlorella protects the body from absorbing the complex mixture of chemicals and the pesticide residues that are present in fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts, seeds and grains. It is a food which can both cleanse and rebuilds the tissues of the body, powerful enough to help deal with the causes of severe medical problems rising to a tragic level in our society.

In the case of Mesothelioma or asbestos cancer there are no known survivors due to the fact that it is an environmental and in no way a metabolic or nutritional in origin. Actor Steve McQueen died in November 1980 from advance mesothelioma, a rare and a fatal form of lung cancer.. But in massive doses patients benefit the use of Chlorella which help get rid of all tumors containing asbestos.

Chlorella support cancer patients in their long term struggle during the period of treatment to build up health.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Step 2 Optimum Nutrional THERAPY

This is the MOST IMPORTANT part of the treatment because it requires a drastic change of eating habits. Strict adherence to the diet with food supplementation must be followed. Non-compliance will result to failure for the entire metabolic therapy. Recovery requires self-discipline and a strong will before anyone achieves desired results. The recommended diet is chiefly a large amount of organically grown fresh fruits and vegetables in their raw state, whole grains, nuts, and seeds, supplemented with Broken Cell Wall Chlorella, and the herb Cats claw. These supplements complete in nutrients are necessary to re establish the pH balance of the body . It reinforces and supports the immune system.  Chlorella is number one supplement to remove all pesticide residues in non organically grown fruits and veggies which is scarcely available today, besides its vitamins and minerals already lost in modern farming. While the herb Cats claw mainly addresses the malfunctioning of the immune system and its potential to combat all types of CANCER as a direct tumor-cell-destroying agent.

The important of this program is to bring back the pH balance of the body from too acidic to alkaline level of 8

Step 1 Natural Cancer Treatment Protocol

Basically it is  extremely important to support the cleansing mechanism of the body,  to  cleanse the bowel of impacted fecal matter  by a program of fresh fruits and vegetables mostly in juice form with the addition of Chlorella tablets but often times I used Shake off ( from Edmark International because it is available anytime) in speeding up bowel transit time and cleansing out toxins so that the natural peristalsis is restored. The colon can resume its normal operation unassisted. This cleansing action detoxifies the liver and protects it from damage. The purging ability of fresh juices and Chlorella/ Shake Off Phyto Fiber  purifies the liver and cleanses the blood. The herb Cats claw has the ability to cleanse the entire intestinal tract, detoxifies the liver and purifies the blood. ..Shake Off has 3 flavors, lemon, pandan and strawberry

We give specific importance on the condition of the liver, which is the main organ of detoxification.
. The liver plays an important role in cancer therapy because its breakdown affects all organs and tissues of the body. The liver performs many function. Some of its duties are: it serves as the body’s chemist, reconstructing the atoms and molecules from the digested foods into essential nutrients to be carried back by the blood to the cells for assimilation. It acts as a fuel depot and supplies station, storing excess nourishment like vitamins, minerals, iron and glucose for future use. It also functions as in-charge of poison control office, removing toxins which gain access to the body. Toxins and harmful substances like animal and vegetable fats are neutralized by the liver and eliminated by the bile, the excretory secretion of the liver. In spite of its many functions, its main objective is to help SUSTAIN, REPAIR, AND PROTECT THE LIFE OF THE CELL.

The liver is just like a strainer through which all that is poured into it finds its way into the blood circulation. If this filtration ability of the liver is not restricted by damaging toxins then pure and clean circulating blood properly nourishes every cell and tissues of the body. It is when the poisons get beyond the liver and circulated into the bloodstream that symptoms of disease occur. The circulation of clean pure blood depends upon the food we eat and nothing else. CORRECT FOOD CURE DISEASE WHILE WRONG FOOD CAUSE DISEASE.
Chemotherapy damages the liver and other organs, as well as the immune system that cancer patients who had undergone this treatment lost their natural defense, immunity and healing power of the body. They do well for two to three weeks period but then go downhill.