Thursday, August 2, 2012

Healing Naturally

“And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.”  Genesis 2:7
God, the Greatest Provider of Life and Divine Healer, designed the human body for wellness not for sickness.
When you buy a car, you are provided by the manufacturer and designer an owner’s manual with the instruction in care and maintenance. Your automobile will operate at maximum efficiency and also last longer if you use the proper lubricants and fuel specified.

God has also provided us a ‘body owner’s manual’ for maintaining health and restoring the sick. All these miraculous facts are found in the Bible and in Nature. In the Bible, beginning with Genesis 1:29, 9:3 and 9:4 could be considered the sustenance manual from our designer and manufacturer.

1:29 “And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.”

9:3 “Every moving thing that liveth shall be meat for you; even as the green herb have I given you all things.”

9:4 “But flesh with life thereof, which is the blood thereof, shall ye not eat.”

So the story of creation in the Bible says that fruits, vegetables, seeds, nuts, and grains are foods divinely intended for humankind. And this is God’s plan. The personalities from the Old Testament like Methuselah, Abraham and Noah lived to almost 1000 years sustained by Mother Nature’s abundance prescribed and provided by our Creator. But when animal flesh were eaten by our biblical ancestors, the life expectancy were shortened, until the era of human civilization, where modern industrial inventions were attained, the health of our people declined.

Today more and more people are afflicted with a long list of diseases and illness, and many others succumb to an early, unnatural death.

Ambrosia , Food of Eternal Youth and Longlife

You might be interested to read this story I want to share..

I know of a friend who was underweight, pale, and weak with kinky hair. Tension lines and fatigue was on her face. In short phrase,  an undernourished ugly duckling.  One neighbor told me, she went away from home desperate because she was jilted by her lover... That was the last time I heard from her.  

Then she came home.. A flock of friends were invited to a welcome party.  Everybody commented that truly she has changed a lotWe were fascinated by her attractive physical appearance. She is amazingly alive with bright and flashing eyes.  Her face,  lively and glowed with health.  Her flawless skin and glossy bouncing hair is the kind any woman would envy.  The  pastel colored dress that she wears is appealing to her slender and trim figure.

We asked what was her secret..She replied, Its so simple, I applied Optimum Nutrition, supplementing  my diet with one serving of Ambrosia in the morning and one serving in the afternoon.

 Bee Bread or Bee Pollen granules is the residue stored up in the honeycomb cells after removing the honey.  Pollen is the male sperm cells of flowering plants collected by bees and store it in their hives in the form of honey and pollen.  It provides a complete nourishment to maintain life and good health for humankind.  Plant life begins with fertilization by pollen grains and bees are responsible for the pollination of plants, to produce seeds for them to grow.  Man and animals eat them for food to sustain, without pollen life on earth could die of starvation.

In Greek Mythology, Ambrosia is a great tasting mixture of honey and bee bread or what is now known as bee pollen,  eaten by the ancient gods to acquire eternal youth and long life. They believed the healing values and rejuvenating powers of bee pollen that it seemed the gods themselves must feed on it and could live forever...

The miraculous healing power, age retarding and rejuvenating properties of bee pollen and honey has long been recognized by man many thousand years. Bee Pollen is the richest, most complete food balance by nature supplying all the necessary elements the body needs for proper functioning in maintaining life for an extended period of time even in the absence of any other foods.  Bee Pollen is a substance that helps build resistance to disease, promote healing powers and provide dynamic energy.  It deserves its reputation as natures perfect food that gives you all the benefits of living longer and becoming younger. 

One can tell that bee pollen is the raw material in making royal jelly.  Royal jelly is the sole diet of the queen bee, the reigning mother who rules the colony and her only function is to lay brood.. The worker bees fed themselves on honey  and live an average of six months while the queen bee fed on royal jelly  may live as long as eight years.  Although bees are hatched from similar eggs, the only reason for the great difference in their lifespan and fertility is the difference from the food they eat.

Honeycombed, comprises of bee pollen and honey is always mentioned in the Bible..The personalities from the Old Testament like Methuselah, Abraham, and Noah lived to almost 1000 years sustained by Mother Natures abundance provided by our Creator..You can find many text concerning honeycomb if you please open your Bible and these one I would like to quote
 In the Bible, the Lord Jesus after He has risen appeared to His disciples.

Luke 24: 41, 42, 43
41 And while they yet believed.not for joy, and wondered, He said unto them, Have ye here any meat?
42 And they gave Him a piece of broiled fish and of a Honeycomb
43 And He took it, and did eat before them

I will discuss more on Bee Pollen later. Meanwhile I will give you the simple recipe, my friends secret  of becoming younger.

                                                             Ambrosia smoothie.
     Here I ordered fresh guyabano fruit or graviola,  skimmed milk sweetened with raw
     unfiltered honey. and I  requested bee pollen granules  will be added to the smoothie.... 
     ahhh cool.... superior taste..  try it...
 This is taken as a meal replacement formula complete in vital nutrients needed to support
  the immune system, increase energy level, repair and maintain all organs, glands and 
  tissues of the body..
 ngredients:  1 cup cold unsweetened soy milk
                     1 cup seedless sweet grapes or any fruit of your choice
                     1 or 2 tbsps cold press flax oil , optional but a must for cancer patients
                    1 tbsp bee pollen granules
                    raw unfiltered honey to taste
                    (For diabetic patient omit fresh
                     fruit and honey instead use stevia
                    as sweetener. 
Procedure :  Liquefy all ingredients in a blender to make a smoothie
                    Drink two times daily in an empty stomach.


I know you are familiar with KIMCHEE, the spicy fermented Korean/Chinese/Japanese cabbage pickle, sold in glass jars in the refrigerated section of your grocery store. My older son Jojo makes an appetizing Kimchee. Here is his garlic-infused version. (Not to be eaten in cancer patients during treatment period because it is salty.)

Ingredients:    3 lbs. Chinese cabbage
                     2 tbsp. table salt
                     4 cloves garlic, minced
                     1 tbsp ginger root, peeled and grated
                     2 tsp red pepper flakes or Kimchee powder
                     2 tsp raw honey

Procedure:    Trim off any dry or rough leaves from the cabbage.
                     Remove the core. Cut cabbage leaves into pieces
                     roughly 1-1/2 by 1- 1/2. Wash cabbage and dry it
                     thoroughly. Mix cabbage with salt, tossing until salt
                     melts 5 to 10 minutes. Let cabbage mixture drain in
                     a colander over the sink for approximately 4 hours.
                     Squeeze cabbage to remove excess  liquid. Toss
                     cabbage with remaining ingredients. Place cabbage
                     mixture into 2 sterile quart  canning glass jars. Place
                     the lid on the jars loosely to allow gas to escape
                     during fermentation period.  Let the jar stand at
                      room temperature for 3 to 4 days.  It will gain
                      strength as it stands. If you prefer  a  milder flavor,
                      taste after 2 days. When the flavor is to your taste,
                      tighten the lid and place it in the refrigerator.
                      Refrigerated  Kimchee will continue to strengthen
                      as it stands.